Both the M.S. and M. Eng. degrees require completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours. The M.S. degree requires a written thesis as well as an oral presentation to the scientific community. A three-credit capstone independent study project is required for the M. Eng. degree.
Master of Science
For the M.S. degree students must complete at least 30 credits. The coursework requirement includes at least three of the five 4-credit MSE core graduate courses, namely, Advanced Thermodynamics, Advanced Mechanical Properties, Advanced Structure and Bonding, Advanced Electronic Properties and Advanced Kinetics. In addition at least 6 additional elective course credits from 6000-level MSE department courses and any remaining course credits must be from 6000-level courses offered by the School of Engineering and/or the School of Science. The M.S. degree requires at least 6, but not more than 9 MS dissertation credits. The elective course selection must be approved by the student’s academic adviser and the graduate curriculum coordinator prior to enrollment in the courses.
Before graduating, the student is required to complete a written thesis as well as an oral presentation to the scientific community conveying important aspects of the thesis. Examples of such a presentation include an oral talk at a workshop or conference or a seminar at RPI.
Outcomes of the Graduate Curriculum
Students who successfully complete this program will be able to demonstrate:
- knowledge of fundamentals underlying the relationship between the structure, property, and performance of materials.
- ability to formulate, analyze, and investigate the research problem.
Master of Engineering
For the M. Eng. degree, students must complete at least 30 credits. The coursework requirement includes at least three of the five 4-credit MSE core graduate courses, namely, Advanced Thermodynamics, Advanced Mechanical Properties, Advanced Structure and Bonding, Advanced Electronic Properties and Advanced Kinetics. In addition at least 6 additional elective course credits from 6000-level MSE department courses and any remaining course credits must be from 6000-level courses offered by the School of Engineering and/or the School of Science. Finally, a one-semester 3- or 4-credit capstone independent study project is required. The elective course selection must be approved by the student’s academic adviser and the graduate curriculum coordinator prior to enrollment in the courses.
Outcomes of the Graduate Curriculum
Students who successfully complete this program will be able to demonstrate:
- Knowledge of fundamentals underlying the relationship between the structure, property and performance of materials.
Students wishing to apply for admission to the Spring term should contact the Graduate Admissions Chair, Dr. Ganpati Ramanath, prior to beginning the application process.
Graduate Admissions Chair
Ganpati Ramanath | ganapr@rpi.edu | (518) 276-6844
Graduate Program Assistant
Kate Swed | swedk@rpi.edu | (518) 276-6372