MSE Faculty

Wei Bao
Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Kathryn A. Dannemann
Director, Multidisciplinary Design Laboratory and Professor of Practice, Core Engineering
Edwin Fohtung
Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Daniel Gall
Robert W. Hunt Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Ganpati Ramanath
John Tod Horton Professor of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Liping Huang
Professor and Associate Vice President for Research, Materials Science and Engineering
Robert Hull
Vice President for Research, Henry Burlage Jr. Professor of Engineering, and Director of Center for Materials, Devices, and Integrated Systems, Office for Research
Paul Keblinski
John Tod Horton ’52 Professor of Materials Engineering and Department Head, Materials Science and Engineering
Nikhil Koratkar
John A. Clark and Edward T. Crossan Chair Professor, Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering
John LaGraff
Professor of Practice, Materials Science and Engineering
Dan Lewis
Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Jie Lian
William Weightman Walker Professor of Engineering, Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering
Rahmi Ozisik
Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Edmund Palermo
Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Sergei Shenogin
, Materials Science and Engineering
Jian Shi
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Yunfeng Shi
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Ravishankar Sundararaman
Associate Professor, Priti and Mukesh Chatter '82 Career Development Chair, Materials Science and Engineering
Chaitanya Ullal
Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Christian Wetzel
Professor, Physics, Applied Physics & Astronomy
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