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Materials Analysis Laboratories

Lab Manager

Materials Analysis Laboratories, a part of the Nanoscale Characterization Core (NCC), provide a powerful suite of imaging, spectrometry, and diffraction instruments to interrogate structure, chemistry, and other properties from atomic to micro scales.

PHI 5000 Versaprobe XPS (cMDIS)
PHI 5000 Versaprobe XPS

The XPS system provides detailed surface chemistry at the sub-10nm scale. It operates by spectroscopy of photo-electrons emitted from the sample surface by incident X-Ray or ultra-violet photons. These photoelectron energies provide highly sensitive information on chemical species and bonding in the sample surface region. The spatial resolution of this technique is about 10 um, with a spectral resolution of < 0.5 eV. The XPS signal is obtained from regions within about 5-10 nm of the surface, and an integrated ion sputtering enables the surface to be continuously removed, so that chemical depth profiles can be obtained. The system is maintained under ultra-high vacuum (~10-10 Torr) conditions.

PanAlytical X’Pert XRD
PanAlytical X’Pert XRD

The Panalytical X'Pert Diffractometer is a highly advanced, versatile materials characterization system. The system runs with an open Eulerian cradle (with motorized sample stage enables sample tilts of +/- 90°, in-plane rotation of 360°, in-plane X and Y translations of 100 mm, and vertical Z displacement of 11 mm). Interchangeable PreFIX incident and diffracted beam optics can be configured for optimal measurement of high resolution scans, reflectivity experiments, or for in-plane diffraction. Choice of PreFIX incident beam optics include a graded parabolic x-ray mirror with automatic attenuator, four-bounce Ge(220) monochromator, hybrid four-bounce monochromator with mirror and automatic attenuator, fixed divergence slits, or x-ray lens. High resolution goniometer with optically encoded sample positioning enables a minimum step size of 0.0001°.

PHI 700 Scanning Auger Nanoprobe (cMDIS)
PHI 700 Scanning Auger Nanoprobe

The AES system provides detailed surface chemistry at the sub-10 nm scale. It operates by spectroscopy of Auger electrons (a multi-electron emission process) that are generated by an ultra-fine scanning electron probe. Chemical information from regions as small as 10 nm may be obtained, with chemical sensitivity of a few parts per thousand. The Auger signal is obtained from regions within about 5-10 nm of the surface, and an integrated ion sputtering enables the surface to be continuously removed, so that chemical depth profiles can be obtained. The system is maintained under ultra-high vacuum (~10-10 Torr) conditions.


Nanoscale Thin Film AnalysisNanoscale Thin Film Analysis - The sample contains a defect that appeared in a thin nickel film deposited on a silicon substrate after it was annealed to form a nickel silicide at the interface. Multi-point depth profiles obtained with a 20 nm diameter electron beam for analysis and a 500 V Ar ion beam for sputtering were acquired using high energy resolution (0.1%) on and off of the defect.