Material Advantage
A professional society housed by the MSE department, Material Advantage participates in educational outreach, professional development, and student community. Acknowledged for Most Outstanding Chapter in 2015-2016 and Chapter of Excellence every year since, MA is recognized for its efforts to serve the local area. Material Advantage Mentors teach K-12 students about materials science concepts and engineering design, professional development events host guest speakers from industry and academia who are invited to speak about their careers, and community events such as game nights and ice cream socials offer fellow students a chance to socialize and relax.

Materials Advantage - RPI Chapter
Materials Advantage - National Chapter
Alpha Sigma Mu
Faculty Advisor: G. Ramanath, MRC 111
Alpha Sigma Mu International Professional Honor Society is dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the materials engineering field. Members consist of students, alumni, and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments. Student members are selected on the basis of scholastic standing, character and leadership. Through Chapter involvement, students develop lifelong skills that prepare them for leadership positions in industry and academia. Members are much better prepared for the post-college world and are valuable and attractive to employers.
Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE)
Faculty Advisor: Rahmi Ozisik, MRC 205
The objective of the Society is to promote the scientific and engineering knowledge relating to plastics. By spreading knowledge, strengthening skills and promoting plastics the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) helps people and companies in the plastics industry succeed. SPE is the only place where people from all parts of the industry can come together around important issues and technologies.
ACerS - The American Ceramic Society
ACerS serves the informational, educational, and professional needs of the global ceramics community. The members comprise a wide variety of individuals and interest groups including engineers, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, students, marketing and sales professionals, and others in related materials disciplines.
AIST - Association for Iron & Steel Technology
The Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) is a non-profit organization that advances the technical development, production, processing and application of iron and steel. AIST membership is comprised of over 15,000 individuals worldwide and includes iron and steel producers, suppliers, academics and students.
ASM International
ASM International is a society dedicated to serving the materials science and engineering profession. Through its network of 36,000 members worldwide, ASM provides authoritative information and knowledge on materials and processes, from the structural to the nanoscale.
TMS - The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a rare professional organization that encompasses the entire range of materials and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production to basic research and the advanced applications of materials.