Posted June 13, 2022

Prof. Tomozawa receives the 2022 N.F. Mott Award from the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (JNCS), which distinguishes senior scientists based on their continuing relevant contributions to the science of non-crystalline solids over many years. This biannual award consists of a check for $2,000, a certificate and a special issue to honor the awardee in the JNCS-X (an open access companion journal of the JNCS).
Prof. Tomozawa has contributed extensively to studies of oxide glasses, including:
- revealing the physical origin of memory effects in glasses,
- developing a spectroscopic technique to determine the fictive temperature of glasses,
- elucidating the effect of fictive temperature on the mechanical strength of glass,
- measuring the rates of water diffusion in glasses and uncovering the mechanisms of diffusion,
- and relating structural relaxation to the strength of glass.
He stands among the most prolific researchers of the glass community and has published more than 100 papers in the JNCS.